Friday, January 26, 2018

UML Diagrams

Before UML 2.0 Diagram Overview (14)

Class diagram
Object diagram
Composite diagram
Use case diagram
Sequence diagram
State machine diagram
Activity diagram
Communication diagram / Collaboration diagram
Interaction overview
Timing diagram
Component diagram
Deployment diagram
Model Management
Package diagram
Profile Diagram

Class diagram

  • Class Name : name of class, ( stereotyped : abstract class, enumeration data type)
  • Attributes -> type, visibility
  • Operations -> visibility, parameters, return type

Any class can use the feature
Any descendent of the class can see the feature
Only the class itself can see the feature

Generalization/ Inheritance

Composition vs aggregation

Both are same, (ex: Garden has Mango Plant, Garden has Banana Plant)
but in composition the contained classes (Mango Plant, Banana Plant) are strongly dependent on the life cycle of the container (Garden). If container class is destroyed,the contained classes are also vanished.  In aggregation, not dependent, Plant objects will remain even when the Garden is destroyed.

  • Multiplicity
Collection must be empty

No instances or 1 instance
Exactly 1 instance
0 or more instances

At least 1 instance
Exactly 5 instances

At least m but no more than n instances (m , n are integers)

In addition to common pre-defined compartments (name,attributes,operations) , user-defined compartments (exceptions thrown, responsibilities) can be added to a class.


Detailed class notation


Example 01 : 2015 OOD assignment 1



Example 2 : 2015 OOD assignment 2

Example 3 : OOD Exam 2014 Question 2 part (b); OOD Exam 2016 Question 2 part (c)

Object Diagram
Composite Structure Diagram

  • Bank ATM UML composite structure diagram example
    • Purpose: The purpose of this diagram is to show internal structure of a bank ATM and relationships between different parts of the ATM.
    • Summary: Bank ATM is typically made up of several devices such as central processor unit (CPU), cryptoprocessor, memory, customer display, function key buttons (usually located near the display), magnetic and/or smartchip card reader, encrypting PIN Pad, customer receipt printer, vault, modem.

Use case diagram

  • Define interactions between an actor and a system to achieve a goal.
  • Model the context of the system : present an outside view of how elements of the system will be used.
  • Model the functional requirements of the system.
  • Don’t specify how use cases are implemented
  • A set of sequences : interactions of actors with the system (outside)
  • Have variants : common re-usable behaviour is factored out as a set of use cases.
  • Can apply to whole system or a sub system
  • Format of a UML use case
    • Title
    • Main success scenario (numbered list of steps)
    • extention

  • Example : Buy Item
    • Use case title : Buy Item
    • Actors : Customer (initiator), Cashier
    • Success scenario :
      1. The customer arrives at the checkout with items to purchase.
      2. The cashier records purchase and collects a payment.
      3. On completion, customer leaves with the items.
    • Extension : payment fails, customer leaves without items.

  • Actor
    • External entity
    • Interacts with the system (ex: human, software, physical)
    • Role rather than an individual (ex: one human can be a user actor and manager actor)

  • Use Case
    • Set of interactions between the system
    • One or more actors to achieve some specific goal.
    • Focus on user’s goals
    • Can be organized by generalization, include and extend relationship.

  • Use case diagram

  • System boundary
  • Relationships
    • Association / communication : actors associated with use cases
    • Generalization : inheritance relationship between actors, between use cases
      • Actor generalization
      • Use case generalization

    • Include
A use case includes another use case (sub use case)
Can have a common behaviour of a system as a sub use case
Make use cases more compact, rational and simple

    • extend
A use case is extended to describe more behaviour in some cases
Models optional parts
Rare, complex variations
Error or exception handling
Use a label to describe the extension

Example 1 : OOD assignment 2015 : Multi screen cinema
Example 2 : Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
Example 3 : Finance Example

  • Limitations
    • Lack of standard format
    • Not good to capture non-functional requirements
    • Some relationships will confuse extend/include
    • Emphasize ordering (numbered steps) and functional decomposition that are not object oriented.
    • Gives picture of existing processes of the system

Interaction Diagrams

System Sequence diagram
  • Visualizes a particular use case
    • Part of the process of analysing and documenting the use cases
    • Models events generated by external actors
    • The sequence of events that cross the boundary between actors and system(s)
  • Elements participate : Actors and System(s)
  • Elements pass messages : can be any type of messages depending on the system

  • Part of elaboration phase of design
    • Identify system events and system operations
    • Document sequence of interactions in use cases

  • Notation : use UML Sequence Diagram notations
  • System : the Software (+ hardware)
    • Identify just one system, although large systems may have loosely coupled sub systems that might be identified as separate.

  • System Event : initializes system operations
  • System Operations : determined by System Events
    • enterItem(UPC, quantity)
    • endSale()
    • makePayment()

  • Example : Use case : Buy Items

  • Represent the operations associated with these events as operations of a class in UML

  • How to draw a System Sequence Diagram : Steps



  • Identify and name System Operations from System Sequence Diagram
  • State the purpose or responsibilities of the Operation
  • State the Pre-Conditions  : the state of the system prior to the operation
  • State the Post-Conditions : state changes as they affect objects in the conceptual model
    • Pre and Post Conditions are predicates : statements that can be true or false
    • We require that the pre-conditions be true before the operation, and assert that the post-conditions will be true afterwards.
    • Pre and Post Conditions and Output may be written in text/natural language and added as comments to UML

Sequence diagram

  • Visualizes a method of a class
  • Focus on time ordering of messages and interactions
  • Consists of :
    • Objects (roles) participate in interaction
Across top of diagram
initiating object on left, subsequent interacting objects on right

Role (Object)
Object of an anonymous class
Named object of a specified class
Anonymous object of a specified class
or Screenshot_2016-12-28_10-44-40.png

    • Object lifeline
Vertical dashed line
Represent the existence of object over time

    • Messages/actions
Arrows between lifelines
As time is increasing, messages are shown from top to bottom
Asynchronous : Send (sending signal)
Synchronous   : Call (invocation of operations of receiving objects)
Format :  altr = msgName(arg1:class) : returnType

Call (invoke an operation) : asynchronous
Screenshot_2016-12-28_11-10-39.pngsolid arrowhead
Send (send a signal) : asynchronous
Screenshot_2016-12-28_11-10-47.pngstick arrowhead
Return (return to caller object)
Create / Destroy an object
Screenshot_2016-12-28_11-10-57.png and Screenshot_2016-12-28_11-11-07.png

    • Activation
Double line on lifeline
Shows execution of a procedure


  • Message Semantics
    • Second call to object
    • Showing returns

    • Message to itself

    • Conditional message

    • Conditional message alternative syntax using opt operator

    • Mutually exclusive condition
    • Iteration for a sequence of messages

    • Iteration over a multi object

  1. 2.

    • Message that takes time (downward arrow)

    • Found message

  • Combined Fragments : example from Microsoft Developer Network

  • Nested Fragments

  • Message Sequencing : Decimal numbering of messages : 1  1.1  1.2  2  2.1  3 …….

  • Notation Summary

Example1 : Video Rental System

Example2 : Elevator System : asynchronous messages : stick arrowhead : sending signal

Example 3 : OOD Exam Paper 2015 Question 2 part (c ) ; I guess the same question will be in your exam paper too.

Communication diagram (Collaboration diagram)

  • Focus on structural organization of objects/instances/roles that send and receive messages
    • similar to sequence diagrams
    • Focus on control, not explicit
  • Graph of instances with links between them to indicate communication between them.
    • Messages : labelled arrows : attached to connectors/links
    • Include a sequence number (and a guard : optional)
    • Message parameters, return values
    • UML syntax
return := message(parameter: paraType) : retType

Example 1 : communication diagram vs Sequence Diagram

Example 2 : makePayment example

  • The message makePayment is sent to an instance of s POST. It corresponds to the makePayment system operation message.
  • The POST object sends the makePayment message to a Sale instance
  • The Sale object creates an instance of a Payment

Sequence Diagram

Communication Diagram

Return type and value name

State Machine diagram

Two types (UML 2.0)

  • Behavioural state machine diagrams
    • Specify the discrete behaviour of a part of designed system.
(life cycle of various model elements - classes, instances, components,
    • Behavior is modeled as a traversal of a graph of state nodes connected with
    • Transitions are triggered by the dispatching of series of events.
    • During the traversal, the state machine may also execute some activities.
    • The behaviored classifier owning a state machine defines;
      • which signal and call triggers are defined for the state machine, and
      • which attributes and operations are available in activities of the state machine.

  • Protocol state machine diagrams
    • Specialization of behavioural state machine
    • Express usage protocols of a part of a system
(lifetime of a classifier, legal transitions triggered by classifiers, interfaces or ports)
    • It specifies which operations of the classifier can be called in which state and under which conditions, thus specifying the allowed call sequences on the classifier’s operations
    • A protocol state machine is always defined in the context of a classifier and a classifier may have several protocol state machines.
    • The states of a protocol state machine (protocol states) present an external view of the class that is exposed to its clients.

  • SMD is an enhanced and extended Finite State Machine (FSM) automation
    • Based on Statechart Notation (Harel, 1987)
  • Finite State Machine (FSM)
    • Abstract machine
    • In one of a finite number of states
    • Mealy machine
support actions that depend on both the state of the system and the
triggering event
    • Moore machine
as well as entry and exit actions, which are associated with states rather
than transitions
  • Older state modelling methods include Ward and Mellor (1985), Hartley and Pirbhai (1987)
  • Model real-time, embedded systems

  • Event
    • Significant or noteworthy occurrence
  • State
    • Condition of an object at the moment
    • can have optional entry and exit actions
    • Notation : rounded rectangles
  • Transition
    • Relationship between two states that indicates when an event occurs
    • Notation : arrows between states
    • Transition labels have three parts :-

Event [Guard] / Behaviour
– Event (or Trigger) is something that happens that affects the system (can have Event Parameters)
– Guard is a Boolean condition that must be true for transition to take
– Behaviour (or Actions) can be associated with transitions (executed if
and when the transition fires)
Actions occur quickly and aren’t interruptible whereas activities, can take longer and are interruptible

Internal transition: a response to an event that cause the execution
of an effect but does not cause a change of state or the execution of
exit actions
Completion transition: transitions that lacks an explicit trigger is
triggered by the completion of activity in the state that it leaves
– may have a guard condition which is evaluated at the time that activity
in state completes

Same event can be a trigger for more that one transition leaving a
single state
– each must have a separate guard condition
– only one transition may fire (within one thread of control) in response to
  one event occurrence

Simple State
Doesn’t have Sub States
States can have entry and exit actions (initialization and cleanup)
and activity
Initial pseudostate (can be at most one initial vertex in a region)
Composite state is defined as state that has substates (nested states)
Hierarchical State Machine (HSM)
– every state machine has a optional top state

  • Hierarchical State Machine (HSM)
    • HSMs facilitate abstraction and reuse of behaviour

    • Sub-states (nested states) only define differences from superstates
(containing states)
sub-state inherits common behaviour from superstate(s) by
Ignoring events automatically handled by higher-level states

    • Reduce complexity
in Example 4, Cancel transition to Idle represented once instead of having a transition from each of four Active states

  • STM in a Frame
State Machine could be in a frame labeled as state machine or stm
in abbreviated form.

Example 1 : Modelling Telephone Example

Example 2 : simplified version of a Process Sale Use Case
Can use a SM to describe the legal sequence of external system events that are recognized and handled by system in context of particular use case.

Example 3 : Stock Dispatch Example
Item Received is an event, /get first item is an action, [Not all items checked] is a guard, do/check item is an activity

Example 4 : Composite State Example

Example 5 : Toaster Oven Example : Composite State Example

Activity diagram

Interaction overview diagram


Timing diagram

Component diagram
  • Shows;
    • Components
    • Provided and required interfaces
    • Ports
    • Relationships between them
  • Component-based development based on assumptions, If needed;
    • Previously constructed components could be reused and
    • That components could be replaced by some other equivalent and conformant components
  • Components in UML could represent;
    • Logical components
    • Physical components
  • Component;
    • Reusable piece of software
    • Provide meaningful aggregate of functionality
    • A cluster of classes coherent each other but loosely coupled relative to other clusters

Programming ideally proceeds by assembling existing functionalities.
Some programmers build basic components, self-contained and functionally exhaustive, while other programmers assemble and configure them.
This allows for a separation of expertise where for instance, experts on operating systems develop OS code, while other programmers focus on particular application domains.
Some contexts are well-suited for components:
(ex: the operating system API provides a clear component that separates hardware from application programs, but other domains are harder to break into clearly defined components)

  1. self -contained
Can move it around and
Reuse it without complex installation of other software
Components may not make sense without other components which are
  1. Coarse-grained
  2. Functionally exhaustive
  3. Customisable
  4. With an interface (programming)

  • Component in UML
    • Black box (external view of the component)

    • White box (internal view of the component)


  • Interactions between components may also be designated by straight lines without plug and socket notation;
    • Components use each other
    • Provide interfaces to each other

  • Specifying Component Interfaces : Types also can be specified.

  • Component and Classes
    • What classes actually implement a component
    • To specify this, number of notations, representing inclusion or realization

Deployment Diagram

  • Overview of how a system is deployed on the necessary hardware
  • Three elements :
    • Artifacts
    • Nodes
    • Connections
  • Deployment diagram is to show the allocation of artifacts to nodes in the physical design of a system.
  • Artifacts
    • Physical item, Implements a portion of the software design
    • Typically a software code (could be a source file, document, item related to s/w code)
    • Have relationships with other artifacts (dependency, composition)

  • Nodes
    • Computational resource
    • Contain memory and processing
    • Artifacts are deployed on nodes for execution
    • May contain other nodes to represent complex execution capability
    • Two types
      • Devices
      • Execution environments

  • Two Nodes talking
  • Nodes vs Artifacts

  • Example  1

  • Example 2


Model Management
Package diagram

  • Allows examination of a software system at a very coarse scale.
  • Very good for analysing whole system or a large part of it.
  • Package in UML
    • a unit containing certain number of UML elements (typically classes)
    • Can be defined recursively, with packages including other packages.
    • notation
  • No exact programming language entity,  that a package corresponds.
    • In java : Java Packages
    • In C++ : C++ Namespaces

  • No two elements within a package has the same name. (Package provides namespaces)
  • Can set visibility of an element of a package, in front of th element name.

Visible to elements within its containing package, including nested packages and to external elements.
Visible only to elements within its containing package and to nested packages.

  • Dependency relationship
    • To represent the access of an element which has the appropriate visibility to afford access.
    • Dashed arrows from Client --------> Supplier
    • Client can be modified without modifying the Supplier (opposite is not valid)
    • Dependency arrows can be labelled, specifying the type of relationship.(but often unnecessary, can avoid if it gives complication)

  • Packages and other diagrams
    • Packages represent inclusion and dependencies between nested packages.
    • Can use package diagrams to partition other sets of diagrams, in order to have convenience in large systems. (in class diagrams, use case diagrams, etc)

Profile Diagram


UML 2.5 Diagram Overview


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